DANCE The dance curriculum is taught in the physical education context but is recognized as a fine art. Skills, movements, and steps are taught according to the level of the student. MUSIC The music program emphasizes content knowledge, aesthetic analysis and appreciation, and creative and technical skills. Music enhances problem-solving skills, improves discipline, and encourages social development. THEATRE The theatre program encourages students to celebrate the joy of dramatic learning through being actively involved. They are exposed to creative dramatics, often through the use of materials from other content areas. Students are encouraged to focus more on their personal expression. VISUAL ARTS The visual arts program is designed to build concepts, skills, knowledge, and aesthetic awareness that corresponds to the development of the child. Students learn to communicate their ideas and coordinate their hands through the use of various tools and media. Students begin to understand the visual world in which they live. |
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*Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Producing, Performing, Developing skills and organizing knowledge for creating, producing, and performing the Fine Arts *Historical and Cultural Context Examining the Fine Arts as creative expression of humankind's relationship to historical, cultural, and social context *Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding responding to the Fine Arts through critical analysis and aesthetic understanding *Connections Identifying and expanding connections within the Fine Arts and other disciplines