Goal: To promote cultural awareness. Rationale: Cultural awareness can aid in tolerance which helps to promote a more positive community environment. Goal: To increase aesthetic awareness in the world. Rationale: Aesthetic awareness can lead to greater appreciation of our surroundings and our world. Goal: To promote individual expression. Rationale: Artistic expression allows students to show their individuality in a non-threatening environment. Goal: To expose students to current fine arts technology. Rationale: This will give them the opportunity to synthesize art skills and problem-solving skills through the use of technology. Goal: To use creative dramatics in language arts. Rationale: This will reinforce the interdisciplinary connections and will enhance the reading and writing processes. Goal: To develop a sense of community. Rationale: Through showcasing the works and talents of the students, the community will be more involved in the schools and the students will become more involved in the community. Goal: To improve society by promoting cooperative learning. Rationale: Working in groups on a single project encourages a sense of collaboration and community. Goal: To develop global awareness. Rationale: Learning about the various countries and the fine arts associated with each will help to recognize the connections that exist throughout the world and the uniqueness that each country possesses. Goal: To develop an appreciation for history and connections to the present. Rationale: Through studying the development of dance, music, theatre, and visual arts, the student will learn how current forms of art hae developed over centuries. Goal: To improve communication and expression. Rationale: This will allow students to recognize there are numerous ways to communicate and express themselves and that writing and speaking are not the only ways of communication. |